Taurus House is Ownes by
Venus (Sukra). Moon sign (Rashi)
Taurus means
that Moon was present in
Taurus Sign in birth time. If you do not know your moon
sign, Please
generate free Horoscope Prediction to know this. Please note that this
is not Western Sun sign based prediction.
Moon Astro Brings Free monthly report for
Taurus Moon Sign.This prediction
is based on Indian Vedic Moon sign (Rashi) based astrology.
Taurus Vrish, december 2020: Health Prediction
This month your heath may go in a mediumphase. You will have no certain problem with your health. Yu will be steady& energetic. You will feel fit & fine with your health. Some mentaldisturbance may come from your work load. But you will be able to overcome itby your positive energy. You can able to take a very good care of your health& it would not be disturbing you with any kind of problems.
Taurus Vrish, december 2020: Business and Job Prediction
In the first week your work pressure maybe high. The writers & the paper dealers may get some good things fromtheir work. In the second week your work will be averagely good. Both theservicemen & the businessmen will be doing good. In the third week againyour work pressure may be high. At the end of the week you may face somehindrances at your work. The forth you may be in some trouble in your business.At the end of the month the dealers of grain will get a high profit. Thesingers will get some good news. For the servicemen also the last week will befull of hope.
Taurus Vrish, december 2020: Financial Prediction
In the first week there may be somefinancial crisis. You may lose some money in your travel. In the second weekyou will earn some good amount of money. In this week your earnings &spending will be at the same level. In the second week your income will behuge. But you also have some spending. In the third week your financialcondition will be good & the problem you will be able to manage as well.
Taurus Vrish, december 2020: Educational Prediction
In this month the education would be goodfor the students. They would be able to study hard without getting confused.They will be energetic & hard working. All their exams & projects wouldbe very nice. They will be inspired & motivated during the whole month.
Taurus Vrish, december 2020: Social Life Prediction
At the starting day of the month you mayhave some fiction with your brother. You will get so much good vibes from yourfriends. You would be attached with honest friend who will convince you to dosome religious practice. You will end up with some divine blessings & peaceof mind. In the mid of the month you may be involved in some disagreement withyour father. So you would be remorse later. In the third week you may have somequarrel with your relatives. You will get some respect in the field ofpolitics. The whole month you will get some honest friend who will always bebeside you whenever you need.
Taurus Vrish, december 2020: Love and Married Life Prediction
In the first week your relationship statuswould be average. In the second week you would be able to cherish some goodtimes with your partner. The married life would also go awesome. Every phase ofthe entire month you will be together & face the hindrances of lifetogether.